A healthy relationship is one that you can be yourself in and feel comfortable. It is where your partner respects you and respects what you do, and who you are. It is where they don’t try to change you or make you something else. A healthy relationship is where both partners grow and develop together, each helping the other grow into their best selves. But wait? What do you think of divorce?

A healthy relationship is not perfect, but it recognizes that things will go wrong from time to time. The key is how you treat each other when those times come: Are you able to talk things through? Are you able to forgive each other for things that may have been said or done in the heat of an argument? Do you give space when needed so that a disagreement doesn’t last forever?
The Need to Normalize Divorce and Separation
A healthy relationship takes work—it takes effort on both sides—but the rewards are worth it!
But what happens when none of those things are true? What happens when you’re unhappy in your marriage? What happens when you don’t feel like your partner shares your values or goals? What happens when you keep fighting about money? Or kids? Or chores? Or anything else that comes up between two people living together and sharing their lives?
What then?
When these things happen, we need to accept that they’re not going away by themselves. We need to accept that they’re not just temporary problems that will go away on their own if we wait long enough. We need to accept that our relationship isn’t working out the way we thought it would when we first got married—and we need to do something about it.
As a society, we need to normalize divorce and separation as an option for couples who aren’t getting along anymore. It’s not something to feel ashamed or embarrassed about—it just is what it is: two people who were never meant for each other deciding to go their separate ways.
Divorce is a very sad thing. It’s hard to watch your spouse fall out of love with you, and it’s even harder to know that they’ve fallen out of love with you. But there are ways to make things better.
In fact, sometimes it’s better if you do get divorced! If your partner has been cheating on you for years or if they just don’t seem to be interested in being married anymore, then it might be time to cut ties with them and move on. You’re not alone; plenty of people have gone through this same thing.
Reasons Why We Should Normalise it
1. No one should be ashamed of Divorce
Divorce is a difficult thing to handle, but it’s also something that we can all relate to.
You’re not alone in your feelings of shame and embarrassment, and you don’t have to be. Life happens—and sometimes, it just doesn’t work out the way you want it to. That doesn’t mean you’re a failure or that there’s anything wrong with you. It just means that things didn’t go according to plan, and now you need to find new ways of coping with this new reality.
We know how hard divorce is on everyone involved—not just the couple who are divorcing but also their families, friends and loved ones. No one deserves shame for something they cannot control.
2. Divorce can be a positive experience too
There is no doubt that the society we live in has a strong bias against divorce. According to studies, it is the most stigmatized of all life events and is considered by many to be a failure of marriage. But what if I told you that divorce can be a positive experience?
In fact, there are many benefits that come out of a divorce. It gives you a chance to be independent and learn how to take care of yourself. Once you’re divorced, you’ll learn how important it is for yourself, your children and your partner as well.
However, this doesn’t mean that everyone should get divorced! Divorce should only be done when both parties agree on it and when there’s no other option left for them. Divorce should never be taken lightly because it comes with its own set of problems and difficulties which no one really wants or expects from their lives but unfortunately, sometimes it’s inevitable in order to move forward with your life journey!
I believe that self-love is the most important thing when it comes to divorce. No matter what, you are your own person and you need to keep that in mind. Marriage can be a wonderful thing and sometimes it isn’t. It’s up to us to find out which one we have, but no relationship is worth sacrificing yourself for.
It can be hard sometimes to separate the two, but I promise you it’s possible. There are so many ways we can do this and I’d love to hear your thoughts on how you’ve done it in the past and what works best for you now!
Our kids will learn from the mistakes the divorced parents make. In order to make them better and stronger human beings its important we normalize divorce and separation.
If you want your children to be well-adjusted adults, you need to stop trying to hide your divorce from them. You can’t control how they react or what they think, but you can control how they feel. By hiding your separation from them, you are telling them that divorce is something shameful, something that has to be hidden away and not spoken about in polite company. That is not a healthy message for anyone, let alone a child who is just starting out in life with such little guidance from their parents.
It’s understandable that you don’t want your kids to be hurt by this change in their lives—you’re not alone! But hiding it from them doesn’t help anyone: not you, not them, not your spouse, and certainly not the new person who comes into their lives after the divorce happens.
So why not be proactive about it? Instead of trying to keep your divorce secret from your kids until they’re old enough to understand it, why not make an effort to normalize divorce and separation as a concept? By talking openly with your children about what’s happening in your lives and how it affects them, you’ll allow them to process these changes at their own pace—and give them an opportunity to ask questions before they have any real reason to be upset or confused by what’s going on around them.
What if?
If we start joking about our divorce openly, things will change and we will live in a better world and society that cares about an individual’s happiness.
I think it’s time for us to make jokes about divorce. Not because it’s funny (it is), but because it’s important.
In my experience, when you talk about something that’s hard or taboo in your life, the conversation changes. It becomes less scary, less overwhelming—less like something you’re trying to avoid talking about because it’s not worth talking about. It becomes more manageable, more like a problem you can solve together with your partner or friend.
The truth is: divorce can be a lot of things—painful, scary, confusing. And it can also be an opportunity to learn and grow. If you’re going through one, I’m here to tell you that there is hope—and it’s okay if you don’t see it yet.