First of all the thought of being with someone else while you’re married is ridiculous. There are incidences when we tend to fall for someone but that doesn’t mean you have the liberty to cheat on your husband/wife.

Extramarital is wrong in every way. If you think there is no other option and there is nothing that can save your marriage, getting a divorce is much better than getting into an extramarital affair. There are many types of affairs but we should not get into any of them. There is no gender stereotype. It’s not just husbands cheating, wives are cheating too.
Here are a 5 reasons to Immediately End an Extramarital Affair
You Have to Live with the Fear of getting caught
The feeling of falling in love with someone is always special, no matter what your age is. We all become a child when we fall in love. The behavior change is something very difficult to hide. It will one day make your partner curious about what’s happening. If you master the art of hiding, there is nothing to be proud of, you are an expert, at lying and hiding things forever. However, for honest people, it’s hard to hide an affair. You have to be extra careful about everything. Right from manipulating your phone chat history to lying multiple times for taking out time to meet your lover. You will stress yourself out planning these gimmicks throughout the day. All this is only going to make you mentally tired and frustrated.
There is no guarantee of a relationship
People fail to believe it is not easy to get a divorce from someone you promised to be married to for a lifetime. There is a lot at stake especially when there are children involved. Most of the affairs end because it’s very difficult for a person to leave the kids and spouse. It becomes impossible due to personal guilt, pressures from society, and emotional attachments with your partner. If you genuinely accept your mistake there is a possibility that your partner will give you a second chance. You might just save your marriage.
Waiting for the right time is painful
Your extra marital cannot last a lifetime. Your lover would also want a secure relationship with you. It’s stressful for them too, to see you sleeping with your spouse every night in the fear that you might one day go back to your family again. Similarly, it’s difficult for you to figure out the right time to tell your spouse about the affair. Failing to do so you might end up losing your partner as well as your lover.
Difficulty in getting over the guilt of Cheating
If you are back to your spouse after a failed extramarital affair you have to live with that guilt throughout your life. Your spouse will never be able to trust you again. The relationship you had is never going to be the same. You will keep asking for forgiveness, and even if your partner forgives you they will never love you the way they did before. Whenever there will be heated arguments, you will be reminded of your wrongdoings in front of your children or parents, you just won’t be able to avoid these situations. You will be ashamed of what you did now and then. And if you manage to hide the affair the guilt will always remain within you, which might be even more dangerous.
The only way to avoid these situations is to not get into an extramarital affair. It’s 2021, talk to your spouse about what’s wrong in your marriage? If you can sort it out, well and good and if not, then get a divorce. There is no point in being in a marriage that does not make you happy and feels complete.