Adolescent Growth and Sexual Identity
Derived from the Latin word adolescere which means “to grow up”, adolescence is a period of critical development and the years where you start gaining a lot of privileges transitioning into an adult. During the teen years there is a lot of self exploration one engages in, to satisfy their curiosity about different aspects. Due to the psychological and biological developments that take place, it is important to encourage the kids to explore and educate them well about these changes.

The Significance of Navigating Developmental Changes
A facet least spoken about is sex and sexuality, which is important because this is the age when individuals gain sexual maturity. Sexuality plays a vital role in a person’s identity, it can be quite confusing to figure out one’s sexual identity due to existing stereotypes. Social learning theory talks about how society influences this identity which can change over time corresponding to societal norms, positive or negative behaviours and attitudes regarding this matter are usually picked up from parents, media and other cultural factors.
The Complexities of Sexual Identity in Adolescence
Sexual identity is a vast subject which may be overwhelming and complex to understand but provides endless possibilities. There are majorly three components that fall under this umbrella — gender identity, sexual orientation and romantic orientation. Gender identity refers to one’s internal experience of gender. There are several terms that describe gender identities like cisgender, transgender, agender, bigender, genderqueer, genderfluid, pan/polygender and several others. Sexual orientation talks about whom an individual is sexually attracted to but may not be romantically involved.
Facing Discrimination and the Importance of Acceptance
Heterosexual/straight, gay/lesbian, bisexual, asexual, pansexual, queer are some of the terms included in sexual orientation. Any of these terms can even be used to describe one’s sexuality, but there is no necessity to give yourself a label. Romantic orientation on the other hand refers to an emotional attraction felt towards another which need not involve sexual behaviour. All this combines to help determine one’s sexual identity, which may shift over time.
Being treated equally without any discrimination based on any grounds is a human right, and it applies to one’s sexuality as well. But due to the existing stigma that has arised due to various reasons like colonialism or the simple fact that they do not conform to society’s expectations, the LGBTQ+ community faces differential treatment. It becomes difficult for teenagers to open up about their sexual identity with others, especially their own family, due to the same reasons. For some, their sexuality could be crystal clear to them, but it is not the case for everyone. Dealing with such confusion is already stressful, and hearing others opinions about the same makes it all the more difficult to understand your identity. And you also have to deal with life.
The Role of Support in Adolescent Development
Adolescents who do not conform to heterocentric ideals usually face a lot of backlash and are bullied for their behaviour or mannerisms. For example, if a boy is effeminate, he is ridiculed, which may force him to hide his true self just in order to fit in and not face harassment. This may begin a vicious cycle of bullying which could severely affect the individual’s mental wellbeing. There have been many instances where children have dropped out of school and given up on their ambitions, later on opting for odd jobs or sex work just to earn their living. These teens are subject to actions like sexual harassment, physical abuse, name calling, having personal items stolen and even being locked up. It is a wonder for them, because they don’t realize what makes them stand out from the crowd as this is their way of expressing themselves.
When such is the scenario on the outside, one would hope for some relief at home. But stigma is so ingrained in people’s minds that at times even parents are unable to view their children with a non-judgemental attitude. Cases of parents approaching religious institutions in hopes of somehow “curing this disease” of non-heterosexuality, calling it a phase or outrightly denying the child’s identity can be emotionally damaging. Facing rejection and hostility from the people who are the closest to you could result in feelings of shame, anxiety, depression, loss of self esteem and confidence. This may even cause the individual to suppress their own identity and live in self denial just to avoid being ostracized by their loved ones.
The tender age of adolescence plays a crucial role in the sexual development of a person and can have a lasting impact on them. Actions which discourage the expression of their identity could lead to mental trauma which is why it is essential to create an atmosphere that is open, non-judgmental and supportive so that teens can explicitly talk and discuss what they feel. Parents and teachers are important role models, it is their responsibility to ensure that they educate and provide an understanding to eliminate the uncertainty that exists in a child’s mind. Providing the space for self expression is a way of helping the child figure out their identity, parents need not discourage actions like playing with makeup, crossdressing or choosing a name/pronoun that they identify with.
Sex education is largely limited to heterocentric reproductive health rather than an inclusive form of education. As it is a vital tool, it should involve a more comprehensive model of the entire sexual spectrum. Growing up in an environment that promotes acceptance and support, not only instills positivity in the individual but gives them the confidence to come out, if they choose to. Coming out is a major turning point and takes a lot of courage, but with the right people beside you, it gives you the confidence to face the rest of the world. All in all, there is no right or wrong, choosing your identity is personal, the key detail lies in understanding your own feelings and being comfortable with yourself.