When it comes to education, health and economic opportunities, south India is outperforming north India.
In a new report from the Reserve Bank of India, researchers found that states in southern India have higher literacy rates than northern states. The report also found that the gap between the north and south is growing—from 51% in 2001 to 58% in 2011.
The report also showed that women in southern states are better educated than men, which means they could have a higher earning potential.
The south Indian states of Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka outperform the north Indian states when it comes to education, health and economic opportunities.
Let’s compare these states on various parameters:
– Literacy rate: South India has a higher literacy rate than the north.
– Health: South India has a better infant mortality rate than the north.
– Education: South Indian states have more colleges per 10 lakh people than the north.
– Economy: South Indian states’ GDP per capita is higher than that of north India’s states’ GDP per capita.
Here are a few reasons why all of the above is true:
1. South India outperforms North India in Academics
When it comes to academic performance, South Indians are much smarter than their northern counterparts. This can be attributed to a number of factors, including the fact that South India has more people and is also more developed.
The south Indian state of Andhra Pradesh was ranked second in terms of its population as of 2011. It had a population density of 359 persons per square kilometer, which is higher than the national average of 324 persons per square kilometer for that year. It also has a literacy rate of 70%, which is higher than the national average of 74% for 2011.
Andhra Pradesh’s capital city Hyderabad is home to many educational institutions and research centers; it was ranked as one of the top three smartest cities in India by National Geographic magazine in 2015.
On the other hand, Uttar Pradesh—which is part of northern India—has fewer people than Andhra Pradesh (by about 40 million) and has lower literacy rates at 58% compared with 70% in Andhra Pradesh; Uttar Pradesh also had a population density of only 179 persons per square kilometer compared with 359 persons per square kilometer in Andhra Pradesh, according to data from 2011.
2. Thought Process
North India is a developed region with a high population and per capita income. South India is an underdeveloped region with low population and low per capita income.
North Indians are famous for their lavish lifestyle and spending habits whereas south Indians know the value of money.
North Indians have a strong belief in showing off their wealth by buying expensive cars, houses, clothes etc., whereas south Indians are more concerned about saving their hard-earned money.
South Indians believe in living an honest life and saving money for future generations whereas north Indians always want to live a luxurious life spending all their hard-earned money on unnecessary things like parties, expensive cars, fancy clothes etc., without any planning or thought process behind it.
3. Healthy Eating
South India has the lowest incidence of heart disease and the highest life expectancy in the country. It is also home to some of the world’s most ancient communities, who live by traditional practices that have been passed down for hundreds of years. These practices are a key factor in helping South Indians stay healthier than their northern counterparts.
Traditional medicines from Ayurveda to Siddha medicine, which use plants and herbs as remedies, are still widely used today in south India. The south Indian diet is also rich in vegetables, fruits and spices which help keep people healthy.
While North Indians are more inclined towards fast food and other unhealthy foods, South Indians are more inclined towards traditional practices that keep them healthier.
Diet plays an important role in our health and well-being. Food habits have changed drastically over the years, especially in urban areas where people are more inclined towards processed food items like burgers, pizzas and soda drinks.
4. Potential For Growth
South India has outperformed North India in economic opportunities for decades. The southern region is home to both Bangalore and Chennai, as well as major cities like Hyderabad and Mumbai. This geographic area is home to nearly half of the country’s population, which means that it is ripe for investment opportunities.
In fact, some consider South India to be one of the most important regions in the world when it comes to growing economies. It has been called a “giant” by some economists because of its size and potential for growth.
The reason for this success is simple: South India has an educated workforce that is more than willing to work hard. This makes them very attractive to businesses looking for talent who can help build their businesses up from scratch or expand existing ones into new markets; they have a vested interest in making sure that their employees have everything they need so they can succeed at their jobs.